My Diary pages

Read my diary, on my aims, successes to date.
Feb 2025 - News :

Where does the time go!!!!! Here we are already way into Feb.

Been doing a lot of judging since November.
Including an international for Ireland.

Not much had happened leading up to Christmas as such
I did manage to go away to London in November with
fellow Photographer friends - Paul & Gary C.

It was a good Shorter trip this time, and I think we are
all still reviewing and editing our photos, some will
appear here in some stages in the year ahead.

But now we are in a New Year of 2025, I have managed
a few outings with Adrian & his grandson Jack.

First trip was to Whiteford Lighthouse, I have been trying to
get here for years, but wanted a leader - Ade was perfect as
he knew the area very well, and touching the lighthouse
was a great way to end the experience.
After all this structure is seen all around the area of the estuary.
The walk isn't easy as such and longer than you expect it to be.

Ade invited me to do some Astro photography.
This again was a new thing for me to attempt. It was fun and bitterly
cold night, but the sky was amazing to see with very little
light pollution. Bonus was the moon went over the horizon and
the stars just became more visible - breath taking to see.

First report card for the year, and gained 11 acceptances with a
Jury Choice award for a London image from November 2024.

That's all for now - enjoy looking.

Cheers Gary

September 2024 - News Part 4 :

In August I got my PSA Colour Galaxy 8.
Which I had hoped to get it sooner.

So currently I'm up to 193 acceptance in 2024.
and my tally is at 4081, which includes 265

Also 151 judging credits to the end of 2023.

Cheers Gary

September 2024 - News Part 3 :

While October is nearly upon us, I have updated my site.

I have added some new galleries.

'My Main Gallery' (is Done)

Under "My Photos"

I have added three new galleries.
They are:

Places of Wales - Landscapes
Places of Decay and forgotten about
Port Talbot steel works and graffiti

Last of all under "Live Action"
Scarlet Rebels - Swansea gig.

Thanks for looking - Gary

September 2024 - News Part 2 :

Gallery updated - International Gallery 2024.
37 acceptances added with the amount for each image
underneath in the description.

I have removed around 8 Galleries and plan to add more
new photos very soon.


September 2024 - News Part 1 :

A few months back I was asked by Ian Ledgard GMPSA/B
If I was interested in succeeding him as the CMD

[CMD = Country Membership director for Wales]

I wasn't 100% sure but spoke with a Lewis Choi GMPSA/P
who is based in Hong Kong China.
Following that discussion, I have taken on the role from Ian.
Ian did it for nearly 8 years, so a tough act to follow.
But I'm eager to give it a good go at it.

June 2024 - News :

2024 International Gallery Updated

Look Under Gallery

Thanks Gary

May 2024 - News :

Hi Guys, Sorry for the lack of updates and news.
But its been life getting in the way LOL.

However, this week after returning from Italy on hols.
I was in the Pit Lane at two Gary Numan gigs.

Gallery up under live events.
Anything with O2 in the title is from Bristol
and anything with TS is the Tramshed in Cardiff.

What great shows and I enjoyed the challenge.
See what you think? Maybe you'd like to buy a photo?
I think I got a few decent ones.

Gary Numan seems to think so, as he used on to promote
his tour - so happy days indeed.

More other stuff to follow.

January 2024 - News :

Happy New Year - Everyone, where has that time gone!

Almost into Feb as well!!!

I have now updated the 2023 Int'l Gallery for the year
Plus I have added 2024 Int'l Gallery as I have had a
small batch of new acceptances.

I was unwell over the Christmas period yet again.
But better now.

I did manage to judge the Connacht DPA 2023 Int'l salon
We did the initial rounds before the end of the year from
home, and then Ivy the organiser / Chair got in touch the
first full weekend of the year to do the awards via zoom.

I have managed to do a few small outings and get a few photos
But nothing exciting to see yet LOL

Catch you soon - Gary

December 2023 - Gallery Added No2 :

Under 'My Photos'
I have added a three day trip to North Wales as a
part of TAC Urbexing group.
Along with some story notes to give you the sense
of our adventure together.

I hope you enjoy that and the photos

Cheers Gary

December 2023 - Gallery Added :

Compliments of the forthcoming season - everyone.
I hope you have a peaceful and happy time.
After all, life has been challenging for most of us in 2023.

I have added a gallery of 'Painting with light'
or some Night Photography.

A new foot and cycle bridge has recently opened in my
home town, so I went to take some photos and have a
mess about, here are my results from two different visits.
Also some post production edits as well, to make them
extra wacky!!! But still colourful.

I added in some notes as well.
The bridge is named after a well loved local man who
played rugby for the Llanelli RFC, Wales & The British
and Irish Lions Team. Sadly passed away in June 2022

Apologies for no news & updates :

November 2023.

It's been a bit of a time lately. I had planned to update
and even overhaul my website, a few months ago.
But in September I was taken ill with vertigo issues,
and its been unpleasant two months. My symptoms
have been 'up & down'.

The worst aspect was my vision being affected and sadly
couldn't focus on things. I'm better now, but waiting for
medical tests and hopefully treatment.

I have manged to take sometime to get my PSA applications
in for the various levels being chased.

Monochrome Galaxy 3 & G4
Colour Galaxy 7 and work towards the G8
Photo Travel Galaxy 5.

The tally's achieved pushes me closer to the Grand Master
But plenty of work to do.

I tried my hand at the PSA Portfolio (silver level)
on my favorite subject Architecture. But it failed.
I may put my failed panel up for viewers to judge themselves.

I have updated my International 2023 page of images.
So have a look at all the new images in that page.

To date:
I have 3714 acceptances to date with 140 judging credits
from 1194 titles.

So the list grows over the years.

Thanks for reading

June 2023 - News :

My gallery of International acceptances has been updated.
So far this year 166 acceptances with a few awards.
The gallery has been updated by about 40 new photos.

I'll add more news of the break down of acceptances
Plus add some more news.

Cheers G

March 2023 - News :

2023 has been in some ways a busy year, but also slow on
the photography front. Recently, I had four prints accepted into
the Welsh Salon of Photography 2023.

They were:

Mono - The Petronas Twins (Judges Ribbon)
- Lloyd and his Neighbour
Colour - London Rush Hour
- 1st Class to St Paul's

On the International scene I have had a number of new
acceptances, from a handful of salons.

Ardour Circuit 2.0 = 17 acceptances
WPAI Three Countries Salon = 17 acceptances inc 2HM's
Passion For Art Circuit = 12 Acceptances inc 1 Medal
Mountains Circuit = 4 Acceptances inc 1 award
Evergreen Circuit = 27 Acceptances inc 3 Awards.

New Gallery to be placed up on my site very soon.

3,647 international acceptance to March 2023

On the Review Page is a photo of me being presented
by the Welsh Photographic Federation President
Susan Surridge. This took place at our club meeting
as I wasn't able to attend the AGM of the WPF this year to
be presented.

The Award is my certificate for gaining the Silver level in FIAP

Thanks for dropping into look around

Thanks G

Happy New Year - Everyone :

I have added a gallery of photos, my top 20
favorites from the start of 2021 to the end of 2022.

Some are just photos I enjoyed from the experience
and experimenting. with light painting or using my drone.

Thanks for looking

December 2022 News :
Compliments of The Season :

Hello Everyone, Thanks for all the likes and views here on my site.
It's greatly appreciated. I'm always curious what people like looking
at, is it the varied photos, or something particular that is liked.
Perhaps my international continued trial of acceptances and awards?

A few weeks back I had some massive 'hits' one week was over 1,150
and the following well over 1,900 ...... brilliant so massive thanks to one
and all.

I have some good results in my International trail and managed to get
over 200 new acceptances in 2022. See my updated page.
(I haven't updated the details of what got awards, that's to do soon)

I have added some new photos into:
Gallery - 2020 International Photos
Urbexing - Locally has been updated.
also under 'My Photos' The Adventure Collective has been increased.
Also last of all Fine Art Architecture has a few more as well.

Anyway, enjoy the updates.
See you in 2023

November 2022 News :

Sorry for the lack of news and updates, I'm not sure
where the time goes.

Anyway, I have been informed that my latest FIAP application
has been approved, I'll get the certificate and badge next spring.
But officially I have gone from Bronze Level to silver.

I got to bronze back in 2014, getting to SILVER has been a test
of challenges for me, as generally I don't get the necessary awards.
I was waiting for confirmation of what the rules were back in 2020.
But I discovered I was one award short in a new country to me.
I gained the award in early November 2021.
But too late for the application process.

I had time to get my application sorted, but in the process found error's
and some FIAP Salon Numbers etc. I was very thankfully for my local
for my local officers.

August 2022 Website updates :

By now, some of you maybe aware that I enjoy
going out doing some urban exploring - Urbexing.
I have two good friends that also enjoy doing this
so we teamed up and done a few mini adventurers
together, and the some of the results on a new page
under 'My Photos' called.

The Adventure collective.

I hope you see some beauty in decay and things
forgotten about, by many. We don't share details of where
these places are, as if you spend a little time researching
on the internet, I'm convinced you will locate some of them.

In fact some of them are right under our noses.
If you do venture out, enjoy, don't destroy or damage
the location (like some do!) Stay Safe, don't share details
of the location on public places, Please.


July 2022 News Updated:

New Gallery added under my photos from
"The Swansea International Air Show 2022"

I have had some report cards in from internationals
at the end of June and gained several acceptances
and awards - which is great news for me.

I'll up load these photos very soon.

Cheers Gary

May 2022 News Updated:

My International Galleries have been updated
for 2021 & 2022 - this year so far.

I need to up-date the acceptance information
but for now it's just the photos.

I just had a report from an Indian Salon with 27
Last month "Two sides to the Thames" gained me
a Honourable mention in a Bangladesh international.

I also got my fifth image used by Gary Numan from
his recent 2022 Intruder tour. How wonderful.

Chuffed to be honest.
Thanks for looking Gary

April news 2022 BIG NEWS UPDATE:

Thursday 28th April 2022, I was attending the
Gary Numan Intruder Tour and had a Press Pass.
I had a great time, and three of my photos have
been used by Gary Numan on his, Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram pages.
(Concert was in Cardiff University Great Hall)

I have attached them under 'My Photos'
"Review & News Items".

I was stunned and shocked. He used one to launch
the tour, then used a second to advertise the second
and now the third date of the tour.

I then went to Bristol to follow up with my second
Press Pass, and had another blast. I will admit the
venue was more challenging because of the size
of the crowd, but I did fairly well.

The likes and comments on social media platforms
has been over whelming and very humbling.

What next!!!! I'm blown away with the positive feedback.
Thanks everyone .

New Gallery of Gary Numan Intruder tour in Live Action
page, with also the support band from France.
Divine Shade. They also shared my photos on social

April news 2022:

Now acquired the level A.APS from Bangladesh.
(Artisan (A.APS) Distinction Awarded)

Website Updated.
Check out a handful of photos added to the Fine Art
Architecture section.

Also Photos changed in the 'Main gallery'
This is a collection of photos from urban exploration.

New photos added into the Urbex folder of an Old Saw Mill
Look under Pentax K1 & sub folder 'Urbexing - Old & Forgotten'

Finally a New Section is updated with some photos of
the New Swansea Arena surrounding area and building.
some old trains, and also a January Walk to Llyn Y Fan Fach.

If you can't find them, send me an e-mail.
I'll point you in the right direction. - Thanks Gary


Judged the Welsh Salon 2022.
Also did the Taj Mahal International a few weeks back.
Not entering as many salons of late, as I have been working on
photos for various talks I'm giving and also judging for local
photographic clubs, etc.

Urban Exploration Tales:

This year of 2022, has been so far very rewarding, with a trip
to a Silica Mine (Painting with Light) & Victorian Train tunnel.
This again was all experimental for me and a huge learning curve.

I was in the great company of Graham Harries (Who is a local expert)
on this genre, with some help from all round action man - Peter Francis
and new creative person on the scene - Steve Liddiard.

Earlier in March Graham & Steve.
Yesterday, Graham Harries our urbex Yoda leader, and new talent
Steve Liddiard and myself went out on a jaunt to locate new places
for us all to photograph. Research is the key and Graham and I had
spotted one location of an old factory place we were keen on seeing,
but before that we went to see several other locations in
mid & west Wales and beyond.

First off, we went to see some old farm houses, and then sought
out an old Methodist tin church and to see the old organ inside
it's fragile surroundings.
Graham had been here a few times already, so we were in
good hands.The place is amazing and so close to a busy
main road, but this location is well hidden.

I think we were all shocked that the organ is still standing upright!
It's at if a divine intervention is playing its part?
Steve went in and got an amazing photo, I decided to stay outside
as my concern, I didn't want to be the one to disturb the environment.
I took my photos from outside, and whilst the light was difficult,
you work with what you have given, we hope to try and preserve
the location and the this space.

We moved on to other places. The next was the old factory,
and our challenge wasthe access, and I don't think I have climbed
down places like this since I was 10 to 12 years old!!
The things we do, we dropped into a slit filled wet river bed and
our feet disappeared up to our ankles!!
(Wish I wore my wellies - However this will come back to hound
us later on)
Then we had to hack away through some thick undergrowth
and thorny bushes to seek our goal, but we did it and we deiced
to NOT think about the getting back out, what a climb and a half!!

Various other places happened next, but we end the day looking
for an old rather large railway tunnel.
The climb down to the southern end was quite steep, only to find
that a very heavy gate 'locked' was not allowing us the access
we wanted, so we took photo of the beautiful waterfall at the
entrance of the tunnel (See photo).

So we returned to Steve's car and then made the attempt to try
the North side before the light fades away.
Graham navigated us there, and spoke to a few people living
in the locality to get clarity and seek permission - which we got.
The walk was about 3/4 to 1 mile walk. It started okay, and then
we had to zig zag through the fallen trees and the river bed.
Thank goodness we were all wearing our wellies, although
mine don't fit great!!

So we were being challenged at all areas. Graham had
zipped ahead of us, and Steve and I were trying pick the
best way.
Graham suggested using his footprint in the soft muddy
river bed, but this was not great option,
Steve decided to go for it where I decided I wasn't going
to go any further, having nearly lost my wellies several times
and that was just up and over my ankles. Steve got well stuck
and at two occasions he was up to the top of the rim of his
wellies, and was fighting to get
them out....I feared he was in a predicament, but he did get free,
only to fall over into a new part of the river. I stayed and
photographed another waterfall.....I was glad, my luck I'd have
been in a right mess (spare clothes would have been required !!!!)

Graham & Steve got as close as the could only to find larger
trees blocking their way, and also from a drone angle seeing
that the tunnel was blocked by another set of gates, and
flooded inside!!! Some you win, some you lose.

It was a FAB day out, and I think we all full of aches, pains,
along with cuts and grazes everywhere.....The things we do.

Thank both, here's to the next outing / adventure. ??

February news 2022:

New gallery added in 'My Photos section'.
Creative / Night Time / Painting with light.

I hope you like what you see?

I was invited to go with some good local fellow
photographers, and our first location was inside
an old Silica Mine, then we moved onto an old
Victorian disused railway tunnel.
We had to work in some dark areas and be
creative with 'painting with light', new experience
for me, but most enjoyable, although perhaps

Graham was a real help in the tunnel, and a real
talent. So thanks for that.

I then wanted to test my Fuji XT2 and see if I can
get a better understanding of night time photography
of car trails and seeing how to improve the technique.
I will add more shortly.

Thanks for looking - Cheers Gary

Stats between - Nov 2020 to Nov 2021
Page hits are 2890 / 927 Users / Visits 985

January news 2022:

Happy New Year - everyone.
Sorry there hasn't been updates for a few months now.
I had planned to do some updates before Christmas, but been unwell.
So it took a back seat, thankfully I'm better now.

I finished the year, with judging an Irish International (first rounds)
and also rounded the year off, with just over 100 acceptances.

Included in this bunch of acceptances, I gained a GPU Ribbon for
an image in Luxembourg salon, which I'm hoping will gain me the
correct amount of acceptances and awards for the Silver FIAP level.
Sadly, I was too late by 6 weeks to get the paperwork in work early 2022
accreditation. But my paperwork is in for this autumn ready and ready for 2023.

I have just received a report from the PSA China Theme's today 2nd Jan
and told I have three acceptances with two bronze awards.

Due to the very fact of not being out and getting many photos I have
very little to show for the level of what I want to share.

Thanks for keeping in touch and checking into my site.
It's appreciated.

Cheers Gary

Late September news 2021:

Two new pages added.
A new page dedicated to Biography statistic's on my international trail
and those awards gathered in the process.
I have also listed 'other' stuff to do with judging of internationals etc.
Although on my biography, shares the full details, up to the end of
September 2021.

I have also added a page of drone photography - various photos.

I hope you enjoy reading and looking.

August 2021:

Sorry for the lack of news. I haven't been as busy as previously.
I have been fortunate to get G.APS award from Bangladesh.

This was achieving the required 25+ acceptances. It took me longer
to get to the target, unlike some of my fellow Welsh photographers.
Paul James & Ian Ledgard to name two.
But I got there and now slowly moving on to the next target of 50+.

I'm due to be judging the Welsh International salon at the end of this month,
and also been invited to judge an Irish International - the 8th
Digital Photo Archive at the end of 2021.
Then April next year, I'm going to be judging the Cheltenham International
as well.

Been doing some more urban exploring, and I plan to share some photos
very soon. I have also been looking at some ancient sites or certainly a few
hundred years back. Which is very interesting I think.

Have judged the Shadow Shoot Circuit , with Brian Coleman & Ian Ledgard.
this was back in June. Just over 40+ acceptances for my
own continued quest for international success.

Catch you very soon. Gary

May 2021 Part 2:

I have just added a new gallery on the home page
called "Fine Art Architecture"

This is a new genre or styling that I have been recently made
aware of, and trying my hand at learning this new skill and
manipulation within photo shop software.

I hope you enjoy looking at my efforts.
I still haven't mastered the technique, but enjoying the challenge.

Thanks Gary

May 2021 :

New Gallery added under 'My Photos'
The Gallery is from the Test Triathlon by Dredgers
in the North Dock of Llanelli, their first from the
Covid 'Lock-down'.

Enjoy looking at the gallery

April 2021 :

Sorry for no news of late. It's been quiet and sadly nothing major.
Although if you go to "My Review & news Page", Under 'My Photos'
you will see my MPSA2 award and myself.

I have had a few acceptances in the Welsh Salon of Photography
I entered 4 mono and got 3 in - happy days.

I have had around 24 international acceptances.
My decision was to wind down on and be a little more selective
for the time as I need to refresh my work and images.

I have updated two galleries
Both urbexing - Drone images and old buildings.
This I have managed to do a bit on my own when we weren't
in lock-down, or 5 miles travel allowed.

Stay safe everyone. Thanks G

January - Happy New Year 2021 :

Hello Everyone, thanks for dropping by.
Let's hope that 2021 will develop into a more positive year.

I have managed to secure an honorary award - GAPU
"Gold" Exhibitor in Asia (Dec 2020)
Also got my Mono Galaxy Level 2 paperwork approved.
This then allowed me to apply for my ROPA level of GMPA2.
January 2021 now acquired level award (Master Level 2).

This was an accumulation of several divisions in the PSA.
Colour PID Galaxy level 6 / Mono PID Galaxy Level 2
Photo Travel Galaxy Level 4 / Nature 5 Star.
Previous levels achieved Small Mono & Colour PPD star 3.

Thus getting me over the threshold of over 2250 Acceptances.
I have put some gallery images together of these on the page

Review & edits under My Photos.

Thanks Gary
Stay Safe.

November 2020 :

News since late August.

I have been resurrecting doing some urbexing
(This means seeking out places lost to time and nature)
Some have gone or cannot be found anymore.

See my gallery in the Pentax (FF) K1 Gallery for the Urbexing.
Let me know what you think.

The above photos were taken generally on my own or if I did go
with anyone we were socially distanced throughout, prior to local
I do go out cycling and sometimes take photos, and when I work
as I drive taking people to hospital appointments, to kill time I do
some photography, or in fact do my judging for local club comps.

It's fair to say, it won't be of interest for many, or winning many comps.

During August & September, I was completing my PSA applications
for all my certificates, they were Star 3 In both Small Mono & Colour
Prints. 5 Star in nature, Galaxy 6 in Colour PID, Galaxy 4, 3 & 2 in
Photo Travel, Galaxy 1 in Monochrome.

I have my Mono Galaxy 2 in for approval and awaiting the EDAS
reports to arrive in the PSA from the International Salons.

Been giving 'talks' online via Zoom, and also judging comps for various
clubs in South Wales. With more on the horizon, so this keeps me
busy and sane, as Covid 19 is no laughing matter.

I have also kept working on my international entries and now just
crept past 140+ for the year so far. I'm close to 3200 in total, since
I have started this journey. However, this year has been a struggle.

I have recently purchased a drone a DJI Mavic Air 1.
This is used so I can investigate some forgotten locations and places
that look different, from above. It's very exciting and learning a lot on my
own, a good friend - Graham Harries, has helped a lot.

I'll put a new gallery up very soon, of images part Urbexing
and Drone images in general.

Got two internationals to judge very soon.

Thanks for looking - Gary

August 2020 - update #4 :

First camera club outing. Went to an old quarry
in the Swansea Valley (Wales) called Penwyllt.

Enjoy looking at these images again in 'My Photos'
section. The light on the day was very flat and poor,
so quite happy to get something out of the camera.


August 2020 - update #3 :

Visit to Aberglasney Gardens on the 1st August.
Beautiful gardens and wonderful flowers.

Thanks for looking - Gary ;)

August 2020 - update #2 :

International Acceptances for 2020 gallery has been updated.

Details of the acceptances will be added in due course.

August 2020 - update #1 :

New Gallery added of old derelict farms and properties
left to the ravages of time, and some scenes on the day out.
(Look in "My Photos")

Thanks again for stopping by.

July 2020 - update #2 :

Gallery added to My Photos
"Bird of Prey Centre & Botanical Gardens 2020.

I hope you enjoy looking at them.
Thanks Gary

July 2020 - update :

Hi - Sorry it's been a quiet time on here.
I have been working on the front-line, at two different locations.
First I was driving the army to care homes to help with Swab Testing.
Then that's been stopped.
Now at hub helping with a team to make food parcels for vulnerable
in the local community.

On the photography front.
I have given several talks on zoom to various clubs. Also helped with
judging for some clubs as well. I have enjoyed all aspects of a new
approach. More booking are creeping in.

I have been editing lots of photos for the talks I have in the virtual
pipeline. But my biggest focus was compiling the paperwork for my PSA

I have so far successfully gained my 6 Galaxy level in the PID Colour
(previous level was Galaxy 5). I then managed to gain my Nature 5 Star
(Previous level was Star 4), then I tackled my Photo Travel paperwork
I was applying for Galaxy 2,3 & 4. (Previous level was Galaxy 1)
PID Mono Galaxy 1 (Previous level was Star 5) and I have just applied
for my small colour & mono prints divisions star 3 in both.

So it's been lots of head work and time.
But I'm grateful for all officers from their respective divisions for all the hard
work and time they have helped me gain my latest levels.

I'm adding more photos soon.
Had a few more international acceptances and a few awards.

Thanks for reading
Gary ;)

April 2020 - update :

Covid 19 :

Hello Everyone, thanks for stopping by and taking a look around.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to add new images in new galleries
of late, I'm holding 'lots' of images back for talks I'm preparing to
go to Camera Clubs.

I do plan to unveil some things here as soon as time allows it.

Currently I have been online judging images for three different
camera clubs, and tomorrow (16th April) I'm giving a talk to one club
via Zoom.

I have up-dated my International 2020 Gallery.
(Look under Gallery on the tabs, then search below for the 2020 page.
Just added 29 new images to this year on the International scene.

I have managed to acquire 63 acceptance this year and now have
a total of 3111 now since I started back in 2009 in earnest.

Stay Safe out there, its a trying time and world out there.

THANKS for looking again

Feb 2020 - update #1 :

New 2020 Gallery added for International Acceptances.
20 so far this year.

2019 ended up with 455 Acceptances and 30 Awards.
Thanks for looking

Happy New Year for 2020 - update #2 :

Hi - Check out my up-dated 2019 International Acceptances
gallery, it can be located under "Gallery - 2019 Acceptances"

Around 75 images been added. I haven't added in the comments
just yet, but something for you to enjoy.

Cheers Gary

Happy New Year for 2020 :

Hello Everyone, so sorry I haven't updated my site since October.
It's been a busy time, and part of it was travels from late November
up to Christmas festive period and then those events took over.

We were away in the Far East (Asia) seeing some fantastic sights,
places, people & food (too much) !!!

I have plans to update my 2019 gallery very soon.
This is because I have now had over 450 acceptances for 2019
and reached well over 3,000 acceptances to date.

Plus a variety of other things been happening behind the scenes.
Which may become evident in the year ahead.

Thanks for stopping by - Gary ;)

October 2019 - News Update #2 :

New Gallery created under 'My Photos' called "Reviews and News Items"

Here I have added a great review on 'Vicky Loves Music'
via Facebook page

Thanks for the using 'MY' photo I'm humbled by this opportunity.


October 2019 - News Update :

New gallery up loaded to 'Live Action' Gary Numan live at
the Tramshed in Cardiff 03/10/19 with live act Kanga.

It was another press pass experience, many thanks to Dave Dupis
for allowing me into the inner circle of trust, it's appreciated.

Last month I judged the Welsh International Salon,
It was such an honour to be asked and another great experience.

August 2019 - News Update #3 :

Junior Track & Road Championships 2019
(Under Live Action Pages)

I was invited along as a photographer 'officially', and it was
a thrill to be in attendance, and try my hand at a new genre
of my photography. I know I don't match up to the professionals
I was surrounded by, but I'm happy with my efforts & attempts.

I hope you enjoy looking at them - Please pick out anything you
like and send me a comment. I can post up in comments what
is your favourites with a comment..

Thanks Gary

August 2019 - News Update #2 :

Up-dated the Awards Page, showing those that have gained
a HM (Honourable Mention), Diploma or Medal.

August 2019 - News Update #1 :

Just added a batch of successful images to my 2019 Int'l
acceptances page.
I have just got over 250 for 2019 so far, and been successful
with some awards, and HM's. In Total since the Journey started
back in 2008 is up to 2800+ from nearly 900 different images.
That's a lot for me.

I was able to photograph a recent live gig in Bristol Exchange venue.
The artists on the night were - Empathy Test & Actors (from Canada)
also Sinestar from Bristol itself. It was a challenge as the venue was
very dark, with black walls and issues with lights not working, so the
results weren't brilliant, however all the acts were very complimentary
of my efforts, with some of the different band members, either using
my images as their Facebook profile or on Instagram - Happy days.

June 2019 - News Update #2 :

Just up-dated my International Gallery 2019 with new images.
These are the latest acceptances I have acquired.

2740+ Acceptances to date from 869 images.
Enjoy roaming around my site and if you like to leave some
comments, pick your favourites ones or write up a short review.

Thanks Gary

June 2019 - News Update #1 :

Two Gallery updates - First part is from Our Holiday to Alaska.
The start of the journey was from San Francisco in 2018.

We toured the city and saw the Pride Parade which was massive.
Also architecture from the financial area, I will plan to add more images

Last weekend in our area the Ladies OVO Energy Cycling Event 2019
took place and I went out to a know small but challenging hill towards
the end of the 120 mile stage.

The images are in Live Action & Sports section.
They aren't in any order - Enjoy & Thanks Gary

April 2019 - News Update #1 :

Up dates to my gallery of 2019 international acceptances.
I have just managed 80+ for the year so far.

Enjoy - More stuff to follow soon.
Thanks Gary

March 2019 - News Update #1 :

I'm proud to reveal, that I have been asked by the Exec committee
of the Welsh Photographic federation to join the panel of judges,
this November for the Associate Day.

What an absolute honour.
Double whammy.

I have been asked to be the 'Chair' of the Associate Day - How fab is that!
To say that I'm over the moon in an understatement. I'll be looking forward
to working with my respected peers and seeing everyone's work.

Second grand bit of news
I have been appointed one of the International judges for the Welsh International
happening this September. I did it a few years ago, so being asked back vindicates
that I have must have been okay at my part. Delighted.

A few acceptances as well to top the week off, with two new mono images in the
new salon in Ecuador.

Good week so far. G

February 2019 - News Update #2 :
International 2019 Gallery up-dated with recent acceptances.
19 for this year so far. The latest was the Orient Circuit.
Some 'zero' acceptances reports from some salons.
That's life.

Thanks for looking.

February 2019 - News Update :

Two new Galleries added.
The first is under the page - " An Idea into a Project".
I have added more movement images into a gallery
called - 'Second Movement Series (Feb 2019)'.

Some spill over street photography images are added
into a new page under 'New Work Section'
Street Photography and things - Cardiff

Enjoy looking around - Gary

January 2019 - News Update #2 :
5 more Acceptances in an International 2 in Serbia & 3 in Portugal.
These are added to the 2019 International page for you to view.

Positive start to the year.

January 2019 - News Update :
New Gallery added with my first four acceptances just in early January.
'Main Gallery' Page also has some new images in it as well.

Enjoy .......Oh Yeah It's getting late to say it, but ....Happy New Year.

December 2018 - News Update #3 :

New Gallery added to close out the year for 2018.
Photo Travel section - "Our Trip to The Caribbean (2016)".
Nearly 100 images for you to enjoy.

Cheers Gary

December 2018 - News Update #2 :

Bruges Gallery uploaded from out Christmas trip in December 2017.
This gallery consists of images around the Christmas Market in the centre
of the town shopping area.
There are scenes from the Skating rink and pop up market and the chocolate
shops, which are a plenty in Bruges.

Thanks for looking.

December 2018 - News Update :

Recently I have just joined Afan Nedd Camera Club, and with a number of
familiar faces and new ones, in a friendly gang.

During the last few days, I have just had my recent report card from the Hexagon
circuit with 13 acceptances and got to 444 acceptances in 2018, 29 in the DIGA
Circuit, Grand Canyon 4 acceptances, Brooklyn New York - 1 Acceptance,
VDR Circuit 33 Acceptance.
23 New Titles, all New acceptances are now up-loaded to the 2018 Gallery.

Enjoy having a look around.

Recently, I have had an article published in the RPS - Digit online magazine.
The above is below:

I hope it works.
Anyway I had four images published and some script.

I like to wish you all the very best for Christmas & The New Year 2019.

Regards Gary

October 2018 - News Update :

Just broken through the 2500 international acceptances to-date
from 760 images. This year I'm close to 400 acceptances.

Very Pleased. The work continues.

Bengal Grand Prix Circuit = 20 Acceptances with 1 HM
APC (Australia) Springs Circuit = 22 Acceptances
Supreme International Circuit = 5 Acceptances
Digital Photo Archive = 4 Acceptances.

So, my 2018 International Acceptance Gallery is updated
for you to all enjoy. Thanks for looking. :)

RPS - Welsh Region Presentation, comments & feedback :

Ian Ledgard writes in his position as
Photographic Society of America Membership Director for Wales.

Gary Shinner – presentation to Royal photographic Society South Wales Group

On Sunday 30th September Gary was one of two talented photographers
who shared their work to this RPS group.

The presentation was made of nearly entirely of digitally produced prints,
both colour and monochrome, mounted immaculately.

Gary was not shy in exhibiting works which had not been successful when seeking
photographic honours from a number of organisations including RPS, Photographic Alliance of Great Britain,
Welsh Photographic Federation and Photographic Society of America.

He was able to demonstrate how to prepare panels of work and how he could sometimes be improved
from a fail to acceptance. Furthermore he explained that these organisations have slightly different
criteria and judging methods.

His talk was delivered with enthusiasm and punctuated with numerous tips, anecdotes and wit.
Attendees had the opportunity to examine his work in detail and appreciate the quality he has achieved.

Personally his Monochrome panel of the Valencia Science Park was my favourite.T
his body of work gained him an Associate of the Welsh Photographic Federation in 2015

A great morning and thanks to Dennis Russ RPS organiser for arranging the event.

Ian Ledgard, EFIPS/g, GMPSA, GPU-Cr4, AWPF, Fgmc

Jeff Fugler My thanks also to Gary and Jay. Exceptional presentations and very inspirational.
Thanks also to Dennis and everyone else involved in putting this event on.
I will certainly be looking out for more of these.

Howard Evans Congratulations Gary!
The audience at your talk were enthralled with your presentation and really enjoyed it.

From my Wife - Margaret who attended:
I was very proud and delighted to attend Gary's presentation today, to members of the
Royal Photographic Society. Gary was invited as one of two guest speakers to their gathering today.
It was a very entertaining presentation, which was very well received by all those who attended.
Congratulations Gary

Dennis Russ If you not yet had Gary Shinner to your club, BOOK Him.
We All enjoyed his presentation today. Excellent stuff Gary..Thank You.

UP-DATE September 2018 :
UP-DATE Tour of Great Britain 2018 - cycling event :

A quick gallery of 20 images from today's event 02/09/2018
where the TGB took place locally and included 120 cyclists
from all over Europe.

Team Sky were present with current Welsh Tour of France winner
Geraint Thomas, and four times winner - Chris Froome.

Thanks for looking.


New Images Gallery has been up-dated and shows a new batch of
varied images from our trip to San Francisco and Alaska.

I hope you see something you like?
Going to add more over the next month or so.
Cheers Gary

UP-DATE August 2018 :

Sorry for the lack of news and images. I have just updated my
2018 International Page with new acceptances - which are up to date.
I have been busy of two holidays - the first was to Venice
(some images in this gallery above)
Also been to Alaska & San Francisco.

I have been post editing images and plan to add some to my WWW site.
Very busy indeed.

I have also started working on my Welsh Division Royal Photographic
society talk in September.

Enjoy these images for now. Thanks for looking - Gary

UP-DATE May 2018 - Part 2:

The China Gallery is up to date now, with the gallery showing 15 days
of our travels in China & few days in Tokyo Japan.
As my last statement up-date, it shows some more travel images
under the 2018 International Acceptances gallery.

So have a look around.
Thanks Gary

UP-DATE May 2018 :

I have added more images to our trip of a Lifetime to China & Japan.
Samples of images for the first ten days are up, look under Photo Travel.
There are some more China images in 2018 Acceptances Gallery.


UP-DATE May 2018 - Gary Shinner MPSA :

I have just been completing paperwork for the PSA and managed to get
three certificates, once the confirmation came through, I could then apply
for my ROPA application which again was approved and gave me my
MASTER of the Photographic Society of America.


I have been asked to address the Welsh Royal Photographic Society.
And give my talk 'Success & Failure path' in September 2018.

So my Letters after my name is:


UP-DATE March Madness / April Showers 2018 - Update :

Well it's been a very good period of acceptances in March and the start
of April. I have just broken through 200+ acceptances for 2018.

I have updated my Awards page as well, as I was very successful in the
SAM Circuit in India with 57 acceptances and 5 awards.
Best Still Life for - Curves & Contours / Going under (Mono Images)
Three images gaining me 'City Life' Awards.

"Top of the flight" / "Lunchtime at the scoop" & "Waiting, watching at The Bund".

I was shocked to see these trickle in and also get 99 acceptances for March.

My travels around the camera clubs is going fairly well.
Especially mt 'talk' Entitled "Success & Failure path since 2007".
Everyone has been very receptive indeed.

I'm in the middle of closing out my post editing for a 'new talk' on our travels
to China and short visit to Tokyo in Japan.

Thanks for looking everyone - Regards Gary

UP-DATE March 2018 - Update :

Hi There, you may have noticed that I have added a 2018
International Acceptances gallery.
(It's not up to-date, just yet)

I have managed to acquire over 130 acceptances for this year.
Which, I'm quite pleased with.

Grand Canyon (USA) - 11.
Iberico Circuit (Spain) - 6
Greek Circuit - 12
Southampton (England) - 1
Donegal (Ireland) - 2
Calcutta Circuit (India) - 15
Foto Art Super Cir (India) - 7
Elixir Circuit (India) - 55

So not too shabby a start, plus I managed to gain an
RPS Gold Medal in the PSA China Themes for:
"Curve and Contours" - Mono PID Division.

Thanks for looking - Gary :)

UP-DATE January 2018 - Update :

Just had my last official report card for 2017.
I had 21 acceptances in the Oasis Circuit.
A few days back I had my Georgia - DIGA
through with 69 acceptances including 2HM's.

This bring my tally of 2017 to 371 Acceptances
and total since I started just over 2,150 mark.

I'm delighted to say the least.
Thanks for looking once again.


UP-DATE December 2017 - Update #3:

HAPPY NEW YEAR for tomorrow and all that 2018 will bring you.
Thanks for taking time to view my images, its appreciated.

My website has been in existence now 8+ years.
My Talley's are as follows:

6,698 'Hits' in 2017, my best year.
Total number of hits have just surpassed 36,000
Which I'm really pleased about.

Almost 16,000 Users & over 16,000+ Visits.

I'm slowly editing new work for the early part of 2018
for my Travel Galleries from China, Japan & Bruges.
Plus some stuff from out Caribbean cruise from last 2016.

I have up-dated my 2017 International acceptances
with 9 new titles. My year is nearly complete, but I'm waiting
for one report cards to come in.

Anyway, keep looking at my stuff and enjoy.
Thanks G.

UP-DATE December 2017 - Update #2:

Hi Reader, I have up-dated my 'Live-Action' Gallery for the
Jess Glynne concert back in the summer of this year.
I have been meaning to do this for sometime, so its here now.

Enjoy and let me know what images you like and send me a
comment if you like?

Thanks Gary

UP-DATE December 2017 - Update #1:

Compliments of the Season to all my followers and viewers.
I have up-dated my 2017 International and have 110 different pieces
of work accepted in 2017, but some reports due in by the New year.

I have just gone passed the tally of 2,058 acceptances to date with
just over 270 for 2017. I'm very pleased with this progress, especially
when entering the PID Colour in the PSA.
It's very hard to close out triple sets on acceptances and find new images.

However, good news I have had my certificates confirmed for PID color
Galaxy 3, 4 & 5. Also my first Galaxy level 1 in Photo Travel.
May aim is to try in 2018 to gain my 'Masters' in the PSA (Fingers x).

I have lots of post production to do close out out of our travels from
2018, especially the China & Japan trip. Plus I need to create some
galleries here for others to view and enjoy.
My club talks are going well and I'm making steady progress, I think?
Time will tell.

If the bookings keep rolling in, then I will go out to 'try & entertain'

I'm working of getting the chance to photograph some more live events.
I hope they all come off.

Anyway, here's wishing you all a peaceful time over the festive period
Regards Gary

UP-DATE November 2017 :

From Jayce (himself)

'' capturing the live vibe in a photo isn't easy, unless you're Gary Shinner, a great eye!

Thanks Jayce Lewis - Welsh Rocker, sent from LA while away promoting the new material.
I'm over the moon with that feedback. :)

UP-DATE October 2017 :

Boy has it been busy. Just been away on holidays for nearly three weeks,
we went to China for two weeks followed by a few days in Tokyo Japan.
It was a trip of a lifetime.

Photos will soon appear here, getting time to edit and select, 3,000+ images
to sort through and choose.

I have added a new Gallery in Live Action & Concerts.
Two days after returning I was in Colston Hall in Bristol meeting my musical
hero (Again) Gary Numan and got him to sign my images from last year
where I gained international acceptances and a few awards.
He genuinely, was very pleased with what he saw, and wanted to make sure
Gary could autograph the image 'Was I sure' - YES, as card can be replaced.

So happy days indeed. I also got the chance to take photo and hence the new
gallery with support act Jayce Lewis - Welsh Rocker.

Since I up-dated my 2017 international gallery I have gained another 50
acceptances and a Salon Gold in that was nice to have.
I also to need to up-date that gallery as well.
I also helped to judge the Welsh International Salon and was there for three sections -
Mono prints / Photo Travel & Colour open DPI's - had an enjoyable time.

That's all for to run. :)

UP-DATE AUGUST 2017 Part 2:

Photo Travel :- Croatia 2017 gallery added.


Two new galleries added - JAG Cars Enthusiasts meeting.
Swansea International Airshow 2017.
& Loughor Lifeboat Crew Demo 2017



Hi There,
I have just up-dated my Awards gallery page, as a few have come in this year
so far, which I'm grateful for. Including an Chairman's Choice award for
'Contemplation (Mono)' and also a FIAP Hon. Mention for my "Tornado Red Arrows"
in a recent Indian salon.
I seem to have hit a rich vein of form in India - Delighted.

I have also up-dated my international 2017 page with nearly 50 images,
which is the main source of acceptances this year and acquired me 180+
acceptances far, hopefully more to come?!

Enjoy looking.

My plans are to add images to the Jess Glynne page, and show the support acts as well,
I have more to edit of the UB40 & Level 42 concert (I think?) and also lots of other images
such as:
Birmingham (UK) city centre architecture. 2017
Air Show Swansea 2017
Jaguar classic car meeting 2017
Inshore lifeboat (local) rescue team demo 2017.
and others in Photo Travel.

I just need time to do it all.

THANKS for the continued support.


It’s been difficult to find time to keep my website up to date of late,
but here goes.
First of all, I have added two new pages on my ‘live & action’ events,
with two concerts that I was able to cover for my local stadium – Parc y Scarlets.

On the 3rd of June was Jess Glynne with support acts, although I still need
to edit lots of these images, so here a taster of ten. Following that on the
10th of June at the same location was another concert with the main acts
being UB40 and Level 42, with a further two support acts – Raging Fyah
& The Original Wailers.

For the first three songs performed by all acts, I had a press pass for the pit lane,
and produced what you can see here in these galleries, I really enjoyed and
learnt lots, yet again. A big thanks goes to G-Man for his help and support.

I have managed to edit a higher percentage of these images, but no photographer
was allowed in the pit lane for UB40, so all images are from a raised vantage point
way back in the stand – and to be honest I’m fairly pleased with what I achieved.

Other News:

I helped to judge the Welsh Salon of photography and found it a really
good experience and enjoyed it immensely, and I’d like to thank those that put
their faith in me. On the back of that I’m now judging the Welsh International
Salon in late August of this year.

To date I have managed to gain 160+ acceptances this year, and in the past week or so,
had my GASO Georgia results 2017, with 67 acceptances and 5 HM’s, and then the
Rainbow International had 35 out of 36 images accepted (Never had that outcome before!!)
and a Chairman’s award.

Also had acceptances in many other salon with a few awards including an Asian Medal.

I need to up-date my 2017 acceptances gallery soon, but as I have been neglectful
I wanted you to have something to look at and read. SO MORE TO FOLLOW.

I have been getting around some of the club in South Wales and been
judging competitions and also giving my talks… seems to be going fairly well,
but I will stop it, if people are bored with what I have to offer. Thanks for reading,
I’ll add more soon…..but back to editing my images.


UP-DATE February 2017:

I'll soon up-load a gallery for my successful Bronze award for the PSA.
This for a portfolio of 10 images that were used in a projected panel
from the Science Park in Valencia.

This means I'm now:

Other news:
My website had over 3,800 hits during the week between 06/02/17
to 12/02/17......whoever you are 'thank you' Gary

UP-DATE January 2017:

New Gallery added - Swansea Street Photography 2017.
Hope you like the images and titles I have given them.

Thanks for looking. Gary

UP-DATE New Years Day 2017:

Up-date No2 in less than 24 hours but in two different years!!
I have up-dated my Acceptance page for 2016, and also my 'Awards' page.

Enjoy having a nose around please and if you like something you see, let me
know what images appeals to you and if you send me your image title / why?
and your name and I can add you to the 'comments page'.

Thanks - Gary

UP-DATE New Years Eve 2016:

Here's wishing all my 'viewers' A HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2017.

I have just updated the New Work Page, and in the process of up-dating my 2016
International gallery & Awards page.
The year has come to the end with a few bonus along the way.

260+ International acceptances, the best year for not having many 'blank' report cards.
Although awards were harder to obtain, so since November I have had ten HM's and
only two days ago, I was awarded a Gold Award in India in the Shadow Salon.
Which was a nice bonus.

The PSA China International , I had two acceptances, which was very nice.
They have been in touch, and want my profile picture and large images for their exhibition
with a short overview of how & why I took them....really good news.

It's been a busy time in 2016, with me running around South Wales giving 'my talks' and
judging competitions as well, So far I have made it out of all these places "alive" !!!! LOL!!

My apologies for the lack of news and images since the last time, its getting enough time
to set aside and do these up-dates.

Highlights from 2016:
Was Photographing - Nitro Circus / Gary Numan (And Meeting him) / London trip / Baltic
Cruise & Caribbean cruise as well (The last two I need to share images from them)

Plans for 2017:
I may have another chance to photograph some live events and shall share when these happen.

Have a Great New Year in 2017.
Thanks Gary


I have had some success with my international acceptances during the month of October
around 65 acceptances and the bulk was in the North Georgia USA.

Also some great news, that I have been approved as a judge for the PAGB (Photographic
Alliance of Great Britain), I'm not sure what this means for me yet, but its a massive approval
from my photographic peers.

I have been to judge my first photographic battle and it seemed to go down very well.

Right back to photography news:
New gallery added to the home page called 'Live Action' - I have moved the Nitro Circus into
already, but I have added, a new gallery from a live gig of Gary Numan in Bristol.

I have tried to create some visual effects of the gig and worked my Pentax K1 camera with
good effects I feel to make them look different. I'm sure that not all of you will like them, but they
are different styles. Have a good look at them and let me know what you like, I can added you
to my comments page, with your names etc.
I'm aware that they are very grainy and hopefully dramatic, I know some aren't sharp but I'm
really pleased and it was a huge learning curve.

Also, I have also been creating some audio visuals for the German Electronic band De/Vision.
Using the images from a recent trip to London and also my Valencia images as well.
It seems he band are happy with them and want to add credits before they share them.
Waiting for the contact, but they are on tour at the moment.

They reside on my own Facebook page here:




Thanks for looking
I plan to add some new images to my 'Acceptances' galleries for 2016 and a handful to my
awards page for the honourable mentions.

Cheers Gary

UP-DATE September 2016:

Sorry for the lack of up-dates and any news.

I made some adjustments to this webpage , which resulted in several issues, and I'm still none
the wiser, but Clikpic were very helpful and put everything back to my last settings, so hopefully
this won't be an issues when I up-date the news page we shall see!!

I was gutted to not get access granted by the promoters for the Status Quo gig, I haven't had any
reasons why not? But that's life, maybe something else will appear on the horizon.

I have had some more international acceptances since my last posting, they were in:
3 in the South Devon, 3 in the Photographic society of America annual international, 2 in the Welsh
International (Home ground so to speak of :) ) also three in the Vision Zero Salon and 8 in the
Kohinoor Digital Circuit.
So it means that I have just notched up over 100 for 2016 so far, and over 1,620+ acceptances to date.

I have been creating some new audio visual and two have appeared as a link on the Facebook page
for the German Electronica band De/vision - check them out if you like they were posted on the following

Enjoy as there are 2 shows to view.

Several bookings have been made for me to go and show my images at camera clubs around South Wales.
I have been asked to judge a few competitions and also next years Welsh Salon.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading - Gary :)

UP-DATE July 2016:

Hello, I have just been away on a cruise to the Baltic sea location with my wife and we had a
great time and in due course I will add some new work, but I have to look at some other projects
I have in the pipeline - yet again.

Anyway, I have created a new page on the main page - which is called

Currently the Nitro Circus has moved there , along with the Swansea International airshow 2016,
and another new gallery from a walk around Swansea marina while my car was in the garage.

Enjoy looking :)

UP-DATE June 2016:

Hi There, a number of things have been happening behind the scenes here.
The first I was looking at buying a new set of 'kit' and considered for a while changing brands!!
Yeah I know Shocking news for the Pentax fans out there....!!

But I visited a fairly local Camera centre in Carmarthen and the guys in there were superb.
Resulted in being invited to one of the special Pre-launch for the Full-Frame Pentax K-1.
On that night in question, a small group of interested photographer (inclusive of other brand
users) gathered and were shown a extremely polished demo (Film) presentation and also
had a hands on with 2 of the K-1's with Neil McDade - National Sales Manager for Ricoh Imaging Europe.

This Guy was very helpful indeed. I decided to order the 'Full-Frame' K-1 and an assortment of Glass
to go with it, even though my old lenses will work fine, you don't get the same outcome.
So far so good, very happy indeed, and I plan to put a gallery up on images from the K1,
as I'm learning all the time, its a different animal.

I have also been having a meeting with the local rugby stadium whom are hosting two big
events, the first is fast approaching and is : Nitro Circus Live.

"Look no further for a truly visual feast, combining the greatest athletes in the world of
freestyle motocross, BMX and skate plus all manner of crazy contraptions"

Then in August rock legends - Status Quo are at the same venue, and I again have the chance
to photograph both events. This will be a challenge for me as I never done anything at this level
before, but I'm just waiting for full details, plus thrown into the mix will be the new camera kit.
Challenges all around.

International Acceptances:
I have just passed 1,600 from 500+ images. Delighted with that milestone and what was great
that I had nine acceptances in the GB Print Circuit 2016.....Happy Days indeed.

It was suggested with my apparent success rate, I should ask Pentax for sponsorship as I have
been using their kit for years now. So I approached Neil McDade and fair-play to him I was even
considered for a moment by the top brass in Ricoh - UK, alas they already have their elite list
of top photographers, so to be even considered or looked at was a huge honour - Thanks Neil/
Maybe next time.

I have just added a new gallery in Photo Travel section.
This is trying to show architecture and people in harmony. I choose to make some images very dark
and moody and others lights, bright and colourful. A number of them were taken on an early morning
walk up the Thames from Tower Bridge to St. Paul's and back with the early morning commuters.

I plan to up-date the other parts of the website with new work, etc:
Look for :

Pentax (FF) K1 camera images (assorted)
Birmingham City
Hot Rods - Pendine 2016
The Gower Peninsula 2016

Thanks for reading. Enjoy looking - Gary :)

UP-DATE March 2016.

I'm in the process of adding some new galleries and sections. Some are still under construction:
2016 International Acceptances / My Top 20 Images (Someone asked me what my 'Top 5' was,
this is going to be difficult to complete to be honest).
A gallery of autumn scenes from 2015 is still "work in progress".

But I have added two new galleries under the New Heading of Photo Travel.
These images are of our trip into Venice last October 2015.
Also I have added in the new page showing my successful 'Associate' Panel of the Welsh Photo Fed.

Enjoy & Happy Easter.

News March 2016:

Back in February I was on the judging panel once again for the Port Talbot International where I sat in
on the Open colour and Creative sections. Very enjoyable day and many thanks to the crew at PTCC
for looking after us and another invite.
On the back of that I was asked to take part in the Exeter WCPF inter-club competition.
I have been told its around 250 guests and 1000 images from 55 clubs. What a delightful opportunity.
I'm over the moon.

The international trial slowly grows for me in 2016. I have notched up 21 acceptances so far.
which pleases me no end. I must admit that its more difficult to find good quality work to keep
chasing the PID Galaxy levels between level 3 & 5.

A few weeks ago I created an audio visual of my AWPF (Associate) panel for people to see via Facebook
and I also created a full length feature show of my Mono images from Valencia and been supported or
approved to use the music from a California based electronica band called 'The New Division'.

The page is viewing is ticking over nicely and no bad reviews 'so far'. Which I'm relieved with.

That's all the news for now, pages are soon to be up-dated with some new galleries .
Back in January I did have over 1,300 hits in one week? Amazed at those figures.
Thanks everyone.

News January 2016:

Happy New Year to all my viewers & readers.

Back in late November I decided to stop being an active member for the Photographic Society of America, study group 24.
I have been a member for 3.5 years and my last image was last month. During my time in the group I learned a lot from my peers,
and felt empowered to move forward with my creative skills and felt I gained a lot of experience and knowledge - so massive
thanks to past & present members for their support over that time.

Also a special thanks go to Ian for asking me to join the group in the first place, and also the praise from Barbara Miller to not
lose my "talents" and offer me to join a new group. I haven't taken this offer up yet, as I'm still trying to decide what I'm looking to do
next for 2016.

I have a number of bookings for 2016 to judge local club competitions and even the Port Talbot International next month.
I'm also booked to show my work to clubs as well, and next I'm doing some tutorials in my local camera club with some Photoshop
Elements and then doing some tutorials putting audio visuals for the members.

I had my last report card for 2015 in December from the Georgia circuits (DIGA) and managed to get nearly 30 acceptances
with a handful of Honourable Mentions and one Medal. Thus bringing my talley to close for 2015 to 180 and a total of 1,500+
acceptances to date.

I'm planning to expand and some new work very soon. So keep an eye out.
Thanks for looking - Cheers Gary

Early News – November 2015:

On November the 8th I was successful in acquiring my Associate of the Welsh Photographic Federation.
This was a very proud moment for me as a Welsh Photographer, and my Panel of mono images from the Science Park in Valencia went down well with the
5 esteemed judges and also the large gathering of other photographers on the day, either submitting their own work or planning to have ago of their own in the future.

The standard was very high indeed on the day.
I think it was only stated 5 times all day, that out of the 24 panels, were "WoW" & "Unanimous" from all judges.
I was the first of them, so was blown away by the feedback & praise. Happy days indeed.
The plaudits are still creeping in everyday, so its appreciated, plus I also made some new acquaintances on the day as well.

Judges were: Nick Jenkins (Chairman) / Margaret Collis / Brian Coleman / Jenny Hibbert / David Lingham.

John Cooke ARPS AWPF DPAGB EFIAP/b (Distinctions Officer) stated that the success was up as the standard had been raised and was 79% pass rate.
He also commented how good that Nick Jenkins relayed to 'all' photographers on the day what the judges thought of the work presented everytime.

Nick - stated to me via social media - It was a first class panel of work.

News – September 2015:

Recently I have been out and about giving some ‘talks’. I was asked to go to Cymru Mono by my good friend Gareth Martin and show my ‘mono images’, and this was even dusting off some work nearly 25 years old!! It went down very well and resulted in being asked to go to Bridgend in early 2017. I then went to Bargoed camera club, to do a trawl through of my images from where I started back in 1991, and where I’m up to currently. Both clubs and members were very kind and encouraging with what I showed. Also booked in to give a talk in November up at Cardiff camera club as a request from former WPF President Jennifer Cox.

I have been working on a panel of work an attempt at an ‘associate’, with much thanks to Brian Coleman AFIAP, AWPF, Alan Squires AWPF, FDPS for their invaluable input. Massive thanks also to John Cooke EFIAP, ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB, who is also the WPF Distinction officer. He has given a lot of sound advice and support, but always states ‘go with your own gut instincts’ – Cheers John.


A few blank cards of late. But did manage to obtain 1 acceptance in the South California S4C international, nine acceptances in the main PSA international in the USA with one managing a HM award. Followed by the NORGA North Georgia (USA) with 53 acceptances, including 6 HM’s and 37 new pieces of work accepted.
To date my talley is 1,462 acceptances from 470+ images. Not bad eh? I have added to the comments page a dialogue of comments on Facebook surrounding my gallery of Mono Images from Valencia – Science Park.

Other pieces of News:
In my Valencia Mono Gallery is a ‘proposed layout plan’ have a look and see what you think? The images used are Top Row – VAL 93 / 13 / 59. Middle Row – VAL 72 / 41 / 12 / 86. Bottom Row – VAL – 79 / 22 / 16 / 38 / 57.

My Image entitled ‘ Moon up, over disc dune’ was given judges award in a recent local cub battle between, ourselves, Trostre CC, Amman Valley, Tenby, Llanelli PS, Carmarthen PS. I was honoured for this award as the judge was quite stringent on the night.

New Galleries added are:
On the Home page under Gallery :- 2015 international Acceptances and the Awards page has also been updated, as I now have 130 awards to date. Also under ‘MY PHOTOS’ are:
7 Valley Railway 1940’s weekend / Betws Wind Farm 2015 with some creative images / Pendine VHRA Hot Rods weekend 2015 / RAMPS display 2015 / Skomer 2015 (Puffins) / Sosban (LLANELLI) Sunset images 2015 / Swansea Air Show 2015 / The Algarve 2015 (assorted images) & Last of all – Wild flower in local layby (LLANELLI)

I hope you will all find something you like, if you do please tell me, and I can add your comment on the comments page which has been up-dated with a long dialogue with some fellow photographers and my Valencia Science Park colour images.

Port Talbot Camera Club and my Photographic friend Darren Boxer have asked me to return to judge in their 2016 International.
Excellent news, and I'm already looking forward to playing my part.

That’s all the news for now.
Thanks Gary

June 2015 Part 2:

I have added around 50+ images in the 'New Section Gallery as of today. So please enjoy looking at them.
Thanks Gary

June 2015

Latest is a new gallery on ‘My Photos’ they are just over 100 images (some ‘flipped’ to show a different consideration on the view point, but the main thing is ‘ALL’ the images are in Monochrome as I’m currently working on a new project and been fortunate to seek some advice from some Top Photographers, judges & lecturers in the Welsh Photographic Federation, to get their opinions and hopefully some more success down the road, but there are no guarantees in this game, but just the chance of opportunities to ‘try’ your hand.
I’m believer, if you don’t try and have a go you don’t have the chance to progress and find out what works. Have a look at these images and see what you think are your favourites. Send me a message and tell me what you think, and which images you like, would be great.
My website has been up and running since September 2009 and have had over 24,000 ‘Hits’ to date. Thanks everyone for looking. I plan to add more images soon, but have almost filled up to the max of 1,500 images. Gary :)

May 2015

My time has flown by. Apologies for the lack of new images. In truth I haven't been out taking photos or using the camera for nearly 5 months!!! I just have been able to do it, plus I have had family bereavements to deal with. But we are getting there very slowly.

I have had some successes. Which includes me notching up over 1,400 international acceptances to date. 63 acceptances this year, and got a medal award for an image from Valencia Science Par, from the DVCCC circuit (Delaware - USA), then I had the Georgia latest results out and managed to accrue 36 acceptances with 4 HM's, and I only entered 4 sections so that was pretty decent set of results. Then quickly followed with 11 acceptances in the GB Small Print Circuit, my best tally in this competitions including 1 HM.....Wow! Never saw that coming my way. The images from Valencia have worked very well for me, and I have been getting some good feedback on my mono architecture images of late.
So I attended the Welsh Photo Fed - workshop and the comments and feedback have been very positive, so I have taken the plunge to dive into 'trying' to get an associate for my panel of Valencia Mono images - all architecture. Which is one on my favourite guarantees in this world, but giving it a try....why not?

I have been to Tenby & Gower camera clubs, and given a creative talk and shown my audio visuals, and both were well received - so thanks both clubs for the encouragement, its good to know I have something to offer back to other clubs.

I have a few more bookings in the pipeline, so really pleased how things are coming together.
Thanks for reading - New images soon. :)

April 2015:

"Gary Shinner EPSA" ( March 2015)
(The above award is Dedicated to my Late Father-in-law & Mother-in-law ~ Wil (02/12/2014) & Delyth (06/02/2015) who will be sadly missed by so many, and changed out lives to make it a privilege experience to know them .....RIP both)

I have recently taken up the challenge to submit my applications to the PSA (The Photographic society of America) and obtain all awards for each division/section I enter images.
Now this process is completed, I was successful in obtaining my Galaxy 1 & 2 in the PID-C / Star 1 & 2 in the PID-Mono / Star 3 & 4 in Nature / Star 1 & 2 in both Colour & Small PDD prints divisions.
Also applied for my Photo Travel star 3,4 & 5, but waiting for confirmation on this, but all the former ones allowed me to apply and acquire the next level in the PSA of my on-going development
& I suppose recognition in what I have achieved. So a few days back in late March I was advised that I have now obtained the EPSA level (E = Excellence).
This means I have 700+ international acceptances in recognized divisions & criteria met to get to this heady height, which I would have never even thought about back in 2010 when this journey developed.
I'm over the moon, but already realize that the next challenge will be getting my "M" PSA (Master), lots of work to do.

2015 has been very rewarding so far, with a string of success in the Coachella International with getting two HM's and Judges Choice certificate!!! These were all my images from trip to Valencia.
I'm delighted and hope these images could obtain me some panel type work.....time will tell. Thanks for Reading Gary EPSA....... :)

February News:

Added a gallery from our trip to Valencia, if you go to 'My Work' and look for the Science Park architecture.
More to come soon. Thanks for looking.

January Additional News.

I have updated all the International acceptances in the page entitled "2014 International Acceptances" plus I have expanded the "Award Winners" page for you to see what my successful images have been to date, well most of them?
Frozen Acer leaf was a recently 'sold' image after being seen by members of the public at our annual club exhibition, so well chuffed with that one. I closed the year with 209 acceptances on the international trail.
My Application has been sent for Galaxy 1 level approval in the PID-C, so we will wait for that process to take place. :)

January 2015:
Happy New Year.

If you're reading this posting I’m hoping in the next few weeks to get myself to add in some new galleries especially to close out my 2014 successful acceptances on the international road. I did manage to get over 20 acceptances in the latest Georgia Circuit (GASO) and had some great news in the Serbian – Tourism circuit with a handful of acceptance plus an award for one image in the Country of Turkey in this Serbian run salon. But the best news of all was to squeeze in some acceptances into the China Special Themes circuit under one of my favoured subject matters – Architecture. This was in Photo Travel. So I used some images I took at the science park in Valencia (Spain). I got 3 out of 4 accepted and they were all new mages, one managed a China HM award, and the other was awarded an RPS silver medal……WOW! I was stunned and delighted at that outcome.

So I closed out the end of 2014 with 200+ acceptances. I have just sent my application off to gain my first Galaxy Level 1 under the Photographic Society of America CID-C section. Once this paperwork is approved I may have enough to go straight back in and get level 2. I also need to apply for my other certificates in all other sections: Nature / Photo Travel / Mono Small Prints / Projected - Mono images / Colour Small Prints.

The Photo Travel results has allowed me to obtain enough for getting my 5th star, so I need to apply for my 3rd & 4th as well. Once I can secure clarity of these levels achieved I will have enough to apply for my EPSA (Excellence). So lots of paperwork to do…..not my favourite past time but winter period helps.

I have managed to acquire some more bookings, for my ‘talks’ that are listed in the Welsh Photo Federation, let’s hope that my reputation grows steadily – thanks for reading. Have a great year, whatever you choose to do.
Finally, I would like to dedicate my latest posting to my later Father-in-law Wil whom passed away on 2nd December 2014, after a short and aggressive illness, he was a dear friend as well, and a great supporter of my photography over the years, after all he was one of the few people that inspired me from the very start, over 30 years ago now. ?

November 2014:

Sorry for the lack of news, its been a busy time indeed. I was approached back a few months (June) to write about a creative image I had made called "Spirograph No.1" The article was featured in the Royal Photographic Society journal for the Digit magazine - I was asked to explain my creative angle how the image was done, once in the magazine I ended up with two images shown. :)
That was flipping marvellous experience. I have been to a few camera clubs and was a guest speaker at a few clubs and shown my work, to them with a reasonable successful outcome, I was also the annual exhibition judge for the Llanelli Photographic Society.

I have had a number of International acceptances. With the added bonus of winning a medal & Best of Show for Moon Up, over disc dune (Mono image) this image also got me a maximum score in the first annual club competition. On top of that I have been away on a cruise back to the Norwegian Fjords in August and October short trip to Valencia. More images to follow very soon.

One last thing I was asked to submit an image to the Digital study group home page, as one of ten for the month of November 2014. WOW!

June 2014 Website Refresh:

Major Gallery / WWW up-dates.

Since 2013 was an extremely bumpy year for my family with lots of things to test our mental strength
and bonds, I have lacked the usual motivation, and get easily side tracked. However some focus &
clarity is returning (Normal service resuming once more, or as ‘normal’ as I will ever be).
Thanks go out to those people that share my passion of photography, that are good talented
photographic & artist friends. You know who you ALL are.

If you are part of my family & support network, circle of friends, on the local club circuit,
in a study groups, forums in Facebook, invited me to your place / camera club in order to talk
about photography or just show a small percentage of interest in my work – THANKS.

I have added the occasional gallery of images and the last was for Katie & Jon’s wedding pictures,
and I stated then that it was my last official one, after nearly 20 years of helping people to record
their “Special-Day”.

The website has at last been revamped, maybe not so much in the colours & layouts, but by the number
of new galleries added to the ‘MY WORK’ pages. In here you will find lots of new pieces to view,
and I plan to list here a brief summary of what each one contains and if you the viewer have any questions, and what to know of a location that an image was taken, ‘contact me’ and I’ll try to answer you.
……….So here goes:

Last year was our silver wedding anniversary and we went on a cruise to the Norwegian Fjords,
and sailed from Southampton port. We took in Stavanger, Olden, Geiranger & Bergen.
It’s a spectacular country side and we enjoyed so much so we are going again this year.

Just my tribute to the armed services that have played their part in World-wide conflicts, but this is more
about armistice day celebrated on November 11th or a Sunday as close as possible to it. I decided this time
to focus on the people that played a pivotal role that morning.

Up in “Brum”, seeing a gig (The Goo Goo Dolls), and stayed over and explored the space age looking shopping centre,as I enjoy trying to photograph architecture & buildings this was something to see in the flesh, the weather was very good that day.

In my home town, this old house has been saved for generations to come and the opening was received with great warmth from most parties.
The people that did the restoration work have done a great job, here are a few images on our first chance to see it ourselves.

Trying to be creative in camera in most of these night time images,
based around some roads in the city of Swansea and a Christmas travelling winter wonderland.

Various images over a period of time during different seasons are in here.

Went out with two fellow club members – Keith John LRPS & Fred Knuckley, to this forgotten hidden location.
It’s a gem of a place, with bags of character from an era long lost & forgotten by time, must have been a wonderful time in its day with lots of activity.
The place has sadly become neglected, but its oozes so much character.
We moved on Pentre Ifan ( which is burial chamber high up on the coastline hills, and looks sturdy after all this time and age. The last place we visited was Cenarth Falls. Great day out.

My sister & brother-in-law, took us out to their lovely peaceful holiday home in The Algarve in Portugal. It was five days of relaxing pace but enjoyable scenery & posh homes alongside the various golf courses.
A hidden gem. We visited the following locations:
Vilamoura Marina / Fonta Santa / Praia Garado / Loule / Goldra / Santa Barbara De Neixe / Olhos De Agua.

First club outing to a place I haven’t been for years. It was a trip down memory lane and was
enjoyable evening with my camera club mates & friends.

This year’s acceptances so far, and eclectic mix of travel images, mono images, nature, creative to name a few. Thanks for looking at this up-grade to my site, trust you will find something you’ll like or enjoy?
Please feel free to leave a comment behind or even choose one you like.

NOTE All images are under copy right to Second Glance Photography & Gary Shinner LRPS EFIAP/b PPSA

Late April News 2014:

First off I have had my FIAP application approved for the ‘Bronze’ level. For those that don’t understand what this actually means. Once I got my EFIAP level sorted the next was to keep entering internationals with a goal of getting the minimum of 3 different pieces of work accepted into three different countries & salons, but at prize level, a general acceptance is no good. This took me about 18 months to achieve, so I’m quite pleased that I did it. But now it starts again for the silver & gold levels…..hard it is getting.

I haven’t entered a great deal of Salons this year so far but managed to get 50+ acceptance in the Georgia circuit with 6 HM’s in that with all work being new, so I’m pushing forward and very close to the second level of the PSA (Photographic society of America) Galaxies awards, but haven’t applied for the first yet, no time to get the paperwork together as yet!!!

I’m preparing for my visit to Gwynfa club to give my AV talk next month and I have also been asked to judge a monthly competition for Port Talbot club which is great news. I have a booking already for a mono talk for Cymru Mono in 2015.

I decided to stop my freelance work and step away from that forum after nearly 20 years of doing it. I want to concentrate on my ‘own plans’ & work. So this site will be revamped over time to show those changes. If anyone looks at this site and wants a freelance photographer, please ask me as I can recommend a few friends in the camera club I attend (Trostre). ?

Today I unveil my last ‘official wedding gallery’ for Katie & Jon, whom got married back in March. Katie is the lovely daughter of our great neighbours – Donna & Leighton. Thanks Guys for asking me to take these photographs it was a great honour & privilege. I trust the family & friends will enjoy the extensive gallery I have created, for this end of an era. I will now only be available for Family & Friends special occasions.

Find the gallery under: My Photos – Katie & Jon.
or this link (copy & Paste into Google)

That’s all the news for now – Thanks for looking.

March 2014 Newsflash:

This is the link to my image entitled “The Mall”

I recently submitted 3 images for the Royal Photographic Society exhibition and was lucky enough to get ‘The Mall’ accepted for the main exhibition.

I’m over the moon, the report below is from the new Chair person – Jay Haines FRPS and a friend of mine ?


Our three selectors, Rikki O’Neill, Walter Benzie and Guy Davies had their work cut out to decide which of the circa 100 entrants work to choose at our recent AGM meeting. May I thank them again for undertaking this task and commend to you their choice of the winning image from Valentina Kulagina ARPS, with her beautiful work Venice Sketch II. Well done to each and every one of you who took the time to enter. There was some fine work in evidence. All the results for the ribbon winners, plus the total list of accepted work, can be found on our web site here

New Years Eve of 2014.

I'm wishing all of you a Happy New Year in 2014, all of you that take time to view my images. I have updated my 2013 International Gallery today for you to take a look at. I managed 20 break the 1,000 acceptances this year since I started back in 2009, & 2010 in earnest. This year has been disrupted by family matters, but have managed to get to 217 acceptance and that is with 87 new pieces of work.
This is getting harder, but I have now enough images to apply for my FIAP bronze level in 2014, but got to complete the paperwork for this, plus I need to start applying for my PSA certificates and see where I'm at, but I'm hoping that 2014 will be a good year again.

Thanks for popping into to take a look around.
I plan to in the first 3 months of the New Year up-date and add some new galleries for you to view.


News for December.

Before the festive period is in full swing I wanted to thank ‘everyone’ for visiting my site, it’s appreciated. I was contacted a few weeks ago by a specialist that wanted to put My Company & I, to the top of all Google searches, while this is nice, it isn’t important currently, as my site is a way to express my art work in photography.
If things move forward in that direction then I will consider it greatly.
2013 has been a very trying for what seems like everyone we know, and no except for our families here, we are looking forward to saying goodbye to 2013 and welcome in 2014 with great enthusiasm & hopes for better times. These wishes go to you to, if you have been on a similar journey.

I must admit my enthusiasm for the international stages has waived a little, but this has been due to other controlling factors. I recently been invited to a few clubs to give a talk & show my work. Originally I was due to go back and show a batch of AV’s (Audio Visual’s) to Carmarthen PS and my friends there, this changed as a good friend John T, had been quite ill and was making his first visit to the club night especially for my return! That was nice indeed. John has a request for seeing prints, so that the work could be scrutinised by ‘expert eyes’.
I showed them images from about 2005 onwards, which included my LRPS panel and talked about my style of work. In the meantime I had managed to create a few new AV shows, and these will become very useful for my invite to Gwynfa Camera Club in May 2014. It’s funny really, but while being creative managed to conjure up a few more ideas and have them to work on!!
On this note I have created two shows for the HBA society (Human Being Active), earlier this year I took a load of images of the Llanelli half marathon (gallery on this site), and was asked if they could use some of the images, which was great, but offered the option of an AV, these are now placed on ‘You Tube’.

To find look for:
Spencer Davis Group – Keep on Running:

Vangelis – Chariots of Fire:

You will need to copy and paste these link into the search bar, if you want take a look.

The feedback form the organisers is very positive so far and I’m waiting for contact to discuss things further and see what they want?
I followed up the Carmarthen talk by going to see Port Talbot CC, a week later they again wanted prints, plus an understanding what & why I have got ‘my name in lights’ quite a few times in recent years on the International stage. So the talk was all based on the past 22 years of my club work and up to success of late. The feedback, from, both talks, have been greatly encouraging, and I’m pleased. I wanted to portray my enthusiasm to photography and the sense of satisfaction I get from my ‘art’, I’m aware I’m not the greatest photographer out there, but do feel I’m getting somewhere very slowly.

I do plan to up-date my website before the new year with some new galleries, I also plan to do my last wedding in 2014, to our great neighbours daughter in March and plan to thereafter only do special requests (that I want to do!). If anyone comes and asks I shall be pointing them in the direction of others that I believe are breaking new styles & ground. You know who you are, which means more time for me to do what I want.
I have now notched up 1,070 international acceptances and plan to apply for my FIAP bronze award as I have been waiting for the 3rd award which came to me back in the summer months – happy days.
Anyway I think that all the news for now. Sorry it’s been a bit quiet of late but I think you can understand why, and 2014 is looking like a good year before it starts with some enquiries in the pipeline for me to give further ‘talks’. My BIG thanks go to Carmarthen PS, & Port Talbot for asking me and plugging me there afterwards.

Compliments, of the, festive season.


Three images have been accepted into the Welsh International Salon.
They can be found in the 2013 International acceptance page, and entitled:
“Double Trouble” / “Red Arrows on the way home” / “Ferry to Navy Pier – Chicago”.

These three images bring my tally of international acceptances to 1,000.
WOW!! What I’m delighted that it was on home soil to?!

2008 = 3 (just a quick test to see!)
2009 = 24 (Started to dip my toe in a little more!)
2010 = 196 (got stuck in and had a good go)
2011 = 287 (getting better at this lark)
2012 = 401 (best year to date, never top that one again!!!)
2013 = 86* (*hopefully more to follow)



I have been trying in earnest to put some new work together and spend time up-dating my site.
Here is the latest, under a new 'fresh' layout and scheme (I hope you will enjoy looking around)

FIRST OF ALL.........

......... I have added three new sections, the first being ' International Acceptances in 2012'.
This year was my most prolific to date with just over 400 acceptances across all corners of the globe.

The second gallery is ' International Acceptances in 2013' (so far), plus I have added a section
showing all the awards received since the start of 2012.

Prior 2012 I had managed to accrue 30 awards. My international gallery of all acceptances & awards
from 2008 to the end of 2011 remain in one collection.
(HM = Honourable Mention)

I hope you enjoy the new layout.

I have added in a new small gallery of Panorama's from around Wales. Most images consist of anywhere
between 6 & 14 stitched images together.
Also up-dated the 'New Images' page but also placed them into the Gallery

More to come in due course.


25th July 2013

My Father passed away. Thomas Reginald Shinner 'REG', after a short illness was rushed into hosiptal
on the 13th July and passed away Thursday 25th July aged 86 years old. My mother has also been very
ill to and spent nearly 3 months in hospital.

Sorry my site needs up-dating seriously soon, but you can imagine things have taken priority of late
elsewhere. Family comes first. Thanks for your continued support and viewing all the same.

Thanks - Gary

May 2013

It's been a quiet time of late, on the photography front. Due to having a couple of bereavements
to contend with, the first was Len Beard a founder member of the Velindre & Trostre Camera club.
It was a big blow to all his family, friends & club members. He will be sadly missed.
The second was an aunty of my wife’s, who would have been 100 years old in June, but not to be.
Also during this time my job has changed to and I’m now working closer to home, but the role is a
Different fresh unique challenge for me.

On the Photography front I have notched up over 70 acceptances this year, with a Highly Commended
In the Grand Canyon – subject theme was architecture.
I intend to place these images in a 2013 International gallery to ensure that everyone can see what are
New for this year and on. I have been invited to go back next February (2014) to judge the colour section.
This was great news.
The EID study group (on the links page) has been up-dated as PID, due to the changes within in the PSA,
The new system allows the ‘photographers’ have an exchange on comments once initial feedback has been
Added and made official. Take a look every month after the 10th for new images.

My Audio Visuals on YouTube have been chugging away, the first ‘A Millions Cars’ ~ By John Foxx & Louis Gordon
Have notched up 152 views, and the other ‘Berserker’ ~ by Gary Numan has got over 262 hits as of 13/05/13.

Thanks for reading.

March 2013

Llanelli half marathon images added to my work section.

Feb 2013 – Newsflash:

Just had my 4th EID certificate through, and also the conversion of both CPID & EID into
My 5th Star PID, which is the knew division…..delighted. Next goal is the Galaxy levels.
This means things could get tougher, but we’ll give it a go.

Also had my first acceptances of 2013 in the Greek salon, with 5 acceptances.
Earlier this month I spent 2 enjoyable weekends judging the Port Talbot – Colour & Mono
Open sections. The team that looked after us was superb.

Also been to Carmarthen Photographic Society to give a demo of my audio visuals.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. The response on the night was fantastic.

Cheers Gary

January 2013

In a few days time I will be judging the Port Talbot International, if you have entered
Good luck, and I wish you the best of luck. I’m really looking forward to this two weekend event.
It will be long days but very enjoyable to see what other photographers around the world
Are doing, creating or visiting to get their own unique images.

I’m in the process of speaking to the head of the newly formed PID group director and he
Is sorting out my paperwork for the 4th star in the EID, and then the combination of the former
Stars from the CPID division should get me the 5th star PID…..I’m really pleased with that.

At the end of the 2012 I did try a body of work for the distinction in the PAGB (photographic
Alliance of Great Britain), I was trying for a ‘C’. (Credit) but alas was unsuccessful, despite most
Of the images chosen were all successful international images. Shame!
But my motto is, nothing ventured noting gained. On to the next project or two.

The club have arranged a new Photo Shop Training course on alternative night and so far so good.
I’m already picking up some really useful tips, and in the long run will prove to be all the better
For those that are taking on board.

I have now added a whole host of new images for your viewing pleasure.
The “New image section” has been up-dated with quite a few. I have also added into “MY PHOTOS” two
New galleries. One is entitled ‘Chicago – architecture’, and the other is from a trip to the “International Air show RIAT 2012”.

It won’t be long before the first results of the year for competitions I have entered to be released.
So again busy as ever. Enjoy and thanks for looking.


Late December 2012
Had a handful of acceptances to push me over the 400 mark for the year.
Anyway 'THANK YOU' for looking at my site through 2012, I plan to add more new
work throughout 2013, so I would appreciate anyone looking at my work, and even
some feedback would be great.

Compliments of the season, and I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2013.


7th December 2012
Results from the DIGA are now in a gallery on my home page, have a look around and see what's you like?
Had some more results and landed an award FSS in the Serbia Tourism circuit with an image entitled
'The Escalator #2.

26th November 2012
The DIGA results have come out a few days later than expected. But I'm delighted to report that I have had a
an amazing report card. With almost a 51% success rate on all images. All but 1 image was accepted!!
99 acceptances in total with 18 Honourable mentions, 1 medal and 1 Best of Show.
In this crop of acceptances I had 25 pieces of new work. This means that in the month on November I managed to
get passed 800+ acceptances, well I have now passed the 900+ acceptances.

The images will soon be in ready prepared gallery on the home page.....keep looking.

November 2012 News:

Sorry that I had no news in September as such but been waiting to give a more rounded picture of my successes in the recent weeks. I have chosen not to enter every international this time around but target certain ones, where results have either been very good or just nicking a few acceptances.
In early October I had the Finland results through and was shocked to see a decent report that eclipsed the previous years, in fact last year couldn’t be any worse as it was a big zero! The report showed I had 17 acceptances with” Wacker Dr. Morning Joggers – Chicago” getting me a Bronze UPI Medal (see in the International gallery I have added in there, for you to review).

I was shocked & delighted by that acceptance indeed,there's nothing better than getting a new piece of work out first time with an acceptance let alone an award!!! The other images that were new acceptances are : Between the Pillars – Mono image, 5 to Dive an image from the International air-show, Cruising in Chicago, Grass Market Edinburgh.

I quickly move on to the German AC-Foto Mega circuit, which yielded another 19 acceptances which was the same as last year (2011). It seems that over the last three years that Germany has been very kind to my style of photography. The bonus this year was two Honourable mentions for ‘The Escalator #1’ (which is also in the International gallery and also the file location ‘An idea into a Project’).
Other images accepted in German circuit are: Pagani Detail – Mono, Curved Air, Swiss Air Team & Bottle Bottoms with black rain.

The Swansea international brought me 3 acceptances, a brace in Oxford with a new title - The Bike Stand. Another brace in the ISF World Cup, Minneapolis 3 acceptances for 5 to Dive. Photo Lover India circuit, brought me 16 acceptances, which includes : The Escalator #5, Black Eagles Display team No.1, Red into Blue, Double fly by DHL, Glass Study No.2 & Morning Shift Worker.
Last of all is the FDT, French Digital Tour brought me three acceptances in the third round: Coloured Glass study No.3, & The Escalator #2 & #3.
There are a few more sets of results for 2012.

I recently gave a talk up at Towy Camera Club, where my good friend Ian Ledgard is chairman, the feedback was very good and some said they enjoyed the open honest approach to explaining about how I did some of the images. I should have gone up to Abertawe club this week, to give my feedback on their projected competition, but its been delayed by a week as I have been unwell. Thanks Mike & Co for being so understanding. Catch you next week, where I hope you will be again understanding when you hear my critique!!!

Catch you soon – Gazza.

Late, Late, August News.

New Gallery added from Kathryn & Neil's wedding day photographs.

Late August News.
Well the last few months have been interesting, with the purchase on new camera body to my kit, The Pentax K-7,
although this model has been superseded with a newer version. I’m very happy so far and since the start of
June used it at Goodwood (Festival of speed), then onto The International air tattoo at Fairford in Gloucester,
followed by a wedding, and finally then on a holiday to the States, notching up about 9,000 images,
how many winner will be the story of time.

Having said that, in the Main PSA international one image from Fairford air show has been accepted
(“Famous five”) and is present in my international gallery in these pages. So happy about that one!
I have replaced on the home page the images accepted into the Georgia circuit digital images with
the accepted prints into NORGA, which is a ‘small prints’ circuit.
I had better results that I could have hoped for, with entering 7 sections had 83 acceptances,
13 of them being new work, and one image had Best of show (title: China Town San Francisco ‘in mono’),
in this batch of acceptances were 2 medals & 9 honorable mentions.
Every image had a minimum of one acceptance, so my success rate was over a 50% success rate.
Amazed at that!!
So why not take a look at what the esteemed judges choose and you decide what you think?

NOTE: Some of the prints have been accepted before on the International stage, but these were
in ‘print format’ so a different aspect, also some of these new images have equally
‘failed’ to be accepted electronically…..strange game eh!

Also had 2 acceptances a piece in the The Art Serbian Circuit. South Devon & Welsh
Internationals. One acceptance in the following salons: Ecological, City-life Serbia, Malaysia,
& China PSA. Four acceptances in the Indonesia

End of June & the month of July has proved to be very rewarding. I managed one acceptance in the Malaysia Salon, followed by four images Indonesia Salon of art, one acceptance in PSA China, but followed with a mammoth acceptance list in the Georgia Print circuit (NORGA).
83, yes eighty three acceptances. With a Best of Show in the Woodstock of image called 'China Town San Francisco', this image was accepted into 'all' six circuits, which also gave me a Medal & Honurable mention.
Over all I had 8 HM's, and what was even better, every image had an acceptance.



Gary Shinner has been awarded the Proficiency Distinction (PPSA) in recognition of his photographic achievement record in PSA recognized International Exhibitions of photography. To qualify for the Proficiency Distinction, 288 or more acceptances are required. The award Certificate will be presented in September at the 2012 PSA International Conference in San Francisco, California, USA. The award includes an invitation to submit a sample of work to the PPSA Gallery on the PSA web site. Look out for Gary's gallery, coming soon.


The images that have just given me the recent acceptances in the Grand Digital are now added to my site.
Some new images added to the 'New images section' also some new images added to the Nature section under 'My photos'.

Thanks Gary

June early news:

I have just completed a visit to Abertawe camera club, where I showed my photographic
Images whether successful or not and gave a talk on what photography excites me and
Gives me that passion & drive.

Thanks everyone for a really warm welcome.

Over the extended bank holiday weekend I had my report card in from the Indian Grand digital circuit.
I had a mixed report with no success in the colour CPID section, but had two images in the nature getting
Me four acceptances, but in the Photo Travel section I had a further 2 images accepted, with one being
Accepted into ‘all 5 rounds’, with the bonus of a certificate of Merit (images not added to my site yet)
So I was quietly surprised with the news indeed.
I had one acceptance for the ‘Escalator No.1’ in the Malaysian international.

I have added a new gallery under ‘My Photos’ show a brief window of the Olympic torch passing through
My home town (Llanelli), there was a great atmosphere on that Sunday morning everyone was in good
Spirits and enjoying the special occasion.

That’s all for now!

May News (Up-date)

New Gallery on the home page called 'An Idea into a project'.
Have a look around and see what you think of the images and idea.

Any feedack would be appreciated.
Thanks Gary

May News:

My International Gallery has been updated to include the latest batch of successful images
From the GASO 2012 digital results(that Gallery is also still on the home page), plus any acceptances
in the Grand Canyon, further acceptances in Serbia.
There are more results in the pipeline, but waiting for them to arrive with my fingers crossed
That some more success is on the way.
This gallery now contains 150 successful images over the last 3+ years of fairly intensive international work.
I have a photo project also in that same pipeline and plan to put a gallery up on the site for anyone to look at
And give their opinions / feedback.
Some of my peers have already given it the ‘thumbs up’, I’ll explain more on that page, once its up and running.

That’s all for now.
Thanks for reading & looking.

April 2012

My PPSA (Proficiency) award has been approved but won't be 'official' until July 2012.

I have added a new section for my recent success from the GASO (Georgia circuit 2012) on the home page.
In the CPID section managed 17 acceptances, in the EID I had 22 acceptances, and in the Nature a total of 32 acceptances.

In the tally of 72, I had 9 honourable mentions and 1 medal.

I will added these images to the main International page as well.

March 2012 (part 2)

My Photo Travel certificate for star 2 is on its way to me, and last week my EID 3* arrived. Following on from the CPID (4*) & Nature (2*).

I have had some acceptances in as well, with so far: Port Talbot 3, Minneaplois Print Circuit with 14, GB Small print circuit with 7, Coachella 3, Holland 5, First round with the DVCCC in Delaware with 3, and 1 in the Tropical.
(More results due in between now and the start of April)

MARCH 2012.

My Main Gallery has been refreshed with new images, and a few sprinkled into Architecture, International Page, Nature & Travel.

Also added a section called 'new work', these are images that have been salvaged or worked on in PS, or the like of!!

Please enjoy.
And if you like any send me a comment and what your favourite and maybe why?
I will add the comments to the 'Comments page'

Thanks Gary


March 2012
I have had during the start of March 3 certificates from the Photographic Society of America.
2nd Star in Nature, 3rd Star in the EID & 4th Star in the CPID.

15th February 2012 My EFIAP application has been approved.
‘E’ stand for Excellence.

I’m delighted that this has happened so quickly since obtaining the
AFIAP (Artiste) February 2011.

The Criteria for this is explained below:

Be holder of the AFIAP distinction. An application for this distinction can be made 1 year after
the award of the AFIAP distinction; based on the date of the diploma.

Have taken part with success in at least 30 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at
least 15 different countries; a Circuit has to be considered as a single salon.

To Have obtained at least 150 acceptances with at least 50 different works in international salons
under FIAP Patronage.


December 2011

Since my last news bulletin lots have happened. The highlight is taking part in the Swansea international as a judge, along with Jill Baxter EFIAP, Les Loosemore AWPF,ARPS,DPAGB & Paul Richards AFIAP,ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB.I was in good company wasn’t I? Paul was only with ‘us’ covering the topic “People”, I think we had about 3,800 images to look at, and then on the Open section we had well over 7,000 images to pick our winners from.
I was quite satisfied we done a fair job by the end, but picking winners wasn’t easy.

Thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I was very pleased that on the day I wasn’t attending, I had two of my own acceptances in the sports section!!

October & November had produced a bumper crop of acceptances, and I have just gone over the 500 mark, from about 115 images. I need to start claiming any certificates from those PSA sections by filling in my application forms. I might have enough for the next FIAP award, time will tell? 2012 could produce a few more ‘letters’ after my name!

I was quite please in the batch of over 120 acceptances I had a few ‘Honourable mentions’. One in the ICS circuit (California) for Geometric Concourse or Geometric Gallery, and 5 more in the Georgia Circuits, two for ‘Big Blue Truck’ & two “Banksia’ in the Blooms section.

So things in 2012 have been a successful outcome. I’m going to concentrate on acquiring all my Certs and applications first and part take in some of the internationals. One thing for sure is realising that its gets harder climbing this ladder for success. So my aims have far out weighed my expectations. I’m already, doubting that I can reach this level in 2012.

Anyway before I close the website has hit almost 7,000 hits for the year with no major plugs via any particular sites, so thank you everyone for taking the time out to look. For those that do continue to check out my web pages, will see that I have added the new successful images to the International page already.

Here’s wishing you all, a Happy, healthy & Prosperous 2012.

Regards Gary

October 2011.

During the last month I received a phone call request to fill a vacancy that appeared in the EID (Electronic Imaging Division) study group No.24. This request came from my mentor Ian Ledgard EPSA and was fully supported by Barbara Millar FPSA PPSA who is the director of the study groups. What an honour, I’m not sure what I can bring to this group, maybe some unique images. As I understand that the group are always experimenting with images, and different software to ‘flavour’ the end result. The images are posted on the site (see link on “Links page”) one per month for all other members to give a critique. The process is to try and develop new ways of producing the end image and explain what was done.

I’m quite excited to joining such a group of well established international photographer / artiste, but I also fear the outcome’s, but I have broad shoulders and my ethos is to try and provoke others into thinking a little more…..well I hope. Time will tell.

On the international front I have managed to squeeze a few more success, but also had a number of misses too. My excuse is I have been trying new images, to try and accrue the stock of images that I will need in the future. So it’s a process of trying my luck, with not much success of late.
These are my results since the last time: 7 in Zajecar (Rock & Child) / Spanish Andorran Circuit / 2 in Taichung Taiwan / 2 in New York / 4 in the main PSA / Taipei Taiwan / & one in the Alberta Canada.

Website hits are now up 5,500+ thanks to everyone.

I have also loaded on to Youtube my AV of John Foxx / Louis Gordon’s futuristic song – A Million Cars. Please try it out and see what you think?

July 2011.
I have had further acceptances since my last up-date, now got up to 350+ from 79 images (see International gallery). I had 24 in the Trierenberg Super Circuit, my first in Hong Kong, 16 in the Indian digital circuit, 4 in the DVF photocup Germany, 3 in Macedonia, & 1 more in the DVCCC Circuit in USA.

The website has notched up 4600 hits for this year.

May 2011.
Gallery updates - International section / Pembrey British truck & Pick up racing / Cardiff Bay.

I have just past 300 international acceptances to date. And its been confirmed that I'm one of the judges for the Swansea international much later in the year.......which I think is a huge Accolade.
Thanks Swansea for the invite.

Cheers Gary

April 2011.

Time flies eh…so what news. It’s been a positive start to the first ¼ of 2011, with a number of acceptances in various places. I’m nowhere near as prolific as my mentor Ian Ledgard as he has already hit over 100 for the year some weeks back, my aims have been more modest.

The years started with home soil of the WIPS (Welsh International Photographic Salon) and I managed to squeeze in 2 acceptances, so that was a nice way to start the year off, since then I have notched up 72 acceptances, with the Georgia circuit being the most beneficial as I was able to get 20 new titles accepted, across subject matters of Nature, open, creative & Photo travel, with a few honorable mentions in the process. I also had some success in the USA with Ridgewood, Oklahoma, Tropical & Suncoast Internationals. The latter bring me 4 acceptances and another Honorable mention!

Again some successes in the GB small print circuit, and my first acceptances in the South Africa International. Beady Eyes has now to date notched up 38 acceptances, and the other image doing really well in nature is Puffin with Sand Eels, both are in the International Gallery page.

Back at the start of March I attended the Welsh Photographic Federation (WPF) and was presented with my FIAP Certificate for an AFIAP (A= Artiste) by the President of the fed – Jennifer Cox, along with a whole host of other members that achieved a similar level of award or even higher, it was like being at the photographic Oscars.
What a huge honor, and I’m delighted with my progress in now 2 years, with nearly 300 acceptances to date with seven stars in the PSA four categories I’m following.

I have enough now to apply for 3rd star in the EID, and just recently acquired enough acceptances in the EID, 2nd stars in Photo Travel & nature, but just want to make sure I get a handful more in both to ensure I’m covered due to all catalogues have arrived with the separate divisions.

Thanks for all the 'hits' on website almost 4,000 in 24 weeks. I hope you will enjoy the up-dates in the site over the coming weeks ahead.
Catch you soon Gary

February 2011
I have just received confirmation of my 2nd & 3rd Stars in the CPID Division of the PSA

January 2011

I have added a new section of images from a trip to Prague in 2010, plus a few images in the gallery. My latest news, I have now had my 'AFIAP' qualification clarified, which is of great delight, this has come quicker than I anticipated, so highly delighted.

Just before Christmas I was invited on to Radio Tircoed by Derek 'Mogzie' Morgan, for a chat about my photography, web page & success to date on the international circuit. It was a nerve racking experience, but at the same time really enjoyable. I was also able to choose some music, that was aired on the show. Thanks Derek.

I had four acceptance on the French Digital tour circuit, 1 in Toronto Canada, 3 Smethwick Int'l and I started 2011 off with 2 in the Welsh Int' Salon. “Beady Eyes” has now got me 28 acceptances.
A medal turned up from Finland circuit for Beady Eyes, which was for Judge's choice, which was something I was not aware.

Beady eyes was featured in the catalogue for the German Mega circuit and was also used as a part of the publication papers for the tour, of the same circuit. Which was another plus point.

More results are due in the coming weeks between now and the end of February.
Thanks for reading again.

November 2010

I have added two new sections of wedding photographs, from my latest clients. Have a look at the samples from their own unique day that I recorded for them. I treat each wedding as a total privileged and honour, to play my part. Here are a dozen images from both for you to view and enjoy.

On the International front, as been mixed fortunes, with failing in the Swansea International to net anything, but managing to secure one in the Zajecar 2010 with my 13th acceptance of the image: “Puffin with Sand Eels”. 4 acceptances in the Finland International circuits with 2 more for 'Beady Eyes' that means 25 acceptances to date. 12 acceptances in German mega circuit, can't be bad.


Also the news item & photo that the local newspaper published in the 'Star' was seen by Pentax, and they sent me a 'goodie boxes' which was really excellent of them – thanks Pentax. They also have been looking at my website and enjoyed a number of images, but really liked the 'Night Shift'.

I may have some exciting news in the pipeline, but things are being developed and once finalised, and apparent will reveal the news on this page.

October 22nd
News since July

I keep saying it, and it keeps happening. 2010 has been a memorable year for me with my photography….why? Well I had hoped that by now I could pick up just my first ‘star’ rating in the PSA (Photographic society of America) I did & I picked up two. In the mean time I have gained enough to claim for my third Star in the CPID section, 2nd in the EID and also have enough to claim my first in Photo travel & nature section. So this was beyond my imagination when starting in earnest April 2009.
But! If that wasn’t enough, I managed to secure enough images in FIAP run competitions to apply for my FIAP ‘Life Card’, which is beyond my wildest dreams, and in lieu of that “Beady Eyes” became my most successful international image I have with a tally of 20 acceptances, and it has also helped in securing my 30 required FIAP images and also notching up well over 150 acceptances for the year alone and as Ian Ledgard would say …..”and still counting, hopefully”.

The latest was a great surprise that I had a ‘silver medal’ for Beady Eyes in the CNPO in China, I was not aware of that success, just the acceptance. Two more medals are on the way from the USA, for the same image, which was in the Minneapolis circuit.

So, you can understand my delight on all fronts. Prior to the Trostre Camera Club new season we had an annual exhibition in our town centre in, and the purpose of the event was to highlight that our club is out there and to ‘try’ and attract new members, which had proved to be very successful so far. Well done to Des our president efforts and those members that helped out.
The local paper, the Llanelli Star editor Bede McGowan, came to judge the exhibition and my image of the Electric tram in colour won, which was rather pleasing. The Star covered the event in the newspaper and printed some of our images, which was nice. The Star also covered my recent success in the paper with a really excellent article, and even a photo of me to.

I have just attended the RPS workshop in Bath last Sunday, and for my associate my panel.
The feedback was very positive and encouraging too. But I need to make some changes to the layout and hopefully next year will be the year. Fingers crossed eh!
Oh yeah finally, thanks to ‘everyone’ who is visiting my site, I have had over 5,000 hits to date and the 1st year is not over. Thanks again Gary