
My name is Gary Shinner
Welcome to my world of
photographic images

Gary Shinner


"ALL" images contained on
this site are subject to
UK Copyright Laws
and remain the property of

Gary Shinner LRPS EFIAP/s
& Second Glance Photography at all times.
My Name is Gary Shinner - "Second Glance" Photography

"Second Glance........Always worth another look!"

My interest in photography began in 1984.
It became more serious when I joined a local
Camera Club, the Velindre & Trostre, in 1991.

I changed clubs to Afan Nedd in the autumn of 2018 after 27 years
in my old club, some new pastures and challenges were needed to
help me progress further.
Then a group of us broke away to form Baglan Bay PS at the end of 2019
and now been established over a year by autumn of 2020

During the past 25+ years of my membership
I have had some successes, and this gave me incentive to aim for & achieve
Licentiate of the Royal Photographic society in November 2007.

Since then I have been chasing international successes via the PSA & FIAP
and to date have managed 4,039 acceptances. Which includes 265 awards
(As of July 2024) I have also judged a number of salons.

I have obtained my MPSA2 (Masters 2 of the Photographic Society of America)
[As of January 2021]
I have been a member of FIAP for a number of year and have the status of
EFIAP/S status. (S = Silver) [As of November 2022]
I'm currently considering the next level of the RPS,
in one of my favourite subject matters 'Architecture'.

Back in November 2015, I was successful in gaining my 'Associate' of the WPF
(Welsh Photographic Federation) of a panel of 12 images from the architecture
of the Valencia Science Park from October 2014 when I was fortunate to visit
the site. This body of work has done very well for me so far.

I also have a great interest in creating Audio Visual shows of my work,
to entertain, and be as creative as possible, using innovative styles synchronised to music.

I strive to be diverse in all aspects of my photographic work, and hope that you enjoy looking
at the images and my attempts at creating something slightly different.

Jan 2011 Now acquired a AFIAP Level award.
Feb 2012 now acquired a EFIAP level award.
June 2012 now acquired a PPSA level award (P = Proficiency)
April 2014 now acquired a EFIAP/b Level award (b = Bronze)
March 2015 now acquired a EPSA level award (E = Excellence)
November 2015 now acquired a AWPF award (Associate of the Welsh Photographic Federation
February 2017 now acquired a BPSA award (Bronze Photographic society of America) for a Portfolio of images.
April 2018 now acquired a MPSA level award (M = Masters)
December 2020 now acquired and honorary levels of GAPU (Gold exhibitor in Asia)
January 2021 now acquired a MPSA2 level award (Master Level 2)
July 2021 now acquired the level G.APS from Bangladesh. (Genius (G.APS) Distinction Awarded)
March 2022 now acquired the level A.APS from Bangladesh. (Artisan (A.APS) Distinction Awarded)
November 2022 now acquired the level EFIAP/s award (s = Silver)

I have added some sections and now separated them into a few galleries to aid the viewers pleasure.

On the 'Gallery' page are currently 9 sections = They are International acceptances from 2008 to 2011,
then I have separated out 'International Acceptances into Years - 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 /
2017 / 2018 / 2019 & 2020
Also an Awards page which shows all HM's and above, and last of all my Licentiate panel of the RPS.
and my Associate of the Welsh is here as well.

2013 season was my most prolific to date with just over 400 acceptances across all corners of the globe.
The second gallery is 'Acceptances in 2013' (so far).
I have now close on 500 images obtaining some acceptances far & wide,
and thus gives me this tally of well over 1,500+, also my awards have
crept up to 180 for 2015.

To date my amount of international acceptances, since 2009 has grown to 3228.
Included in this are several opportunities to judge International salons.
I did the Indian Tajmahal Salon along side Ian Ledgard & Brian Coleman for the
second time back In November 2020 and just done the Irelands DPA (Archive)
as well.

During 2014 I put myself on the Welsh Photographic federation list as a 'speaker'
to entertain with three talks that I have structured, and a number of clubs have
booked me to date.

The first is my 25+ years in club photography, where it shows from the grass roots
that I began and where I have reached to date.
This is to try and highlight to others, that progress can be made if you accept it
and strive to push your own boundaries. I'm still shocked by what I have achieved, if I'm honest.

The second talk is the 'success & failure path' since 2007, this is to probe
with in-depth analysis and show where I went wrong and where I went right, and also
touch on the facts that I understand, the path isn't easy, straight forward or with any guarantees.

Di 'success & failure path' since 2007, on the International path.
Many images & genres to consider.

Di 'Vision of China & A Taste of Tokyo',: A trip into a vast continent .

The last talk is also about 'Audio Visuals', where I enjoy trying to show how
photographer can consider a different approach in using their own images and
create a unique experience for the viewer, synchronised to some suitable music along the journey.
I also try to push and develop my own boundaries, and try out new things on each
show I create, and hope that the images are interesting as well.

I hope you enjoy the new layouts.

"ALL" images contained on this site are subject to UK Copyright Laws and remain the property
of Gary Shinner LRPS EFIAP/s MPSA2 BPSA AWPF A.APU& Second Glance Photography at all times.